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Game Idea A Week: Wii Platform Summary

This page shows the games that are intended for the Wii.

A casual game about a monkey who likes hats: make him sway back and forth to collect hats and then make sure they don't tip and fall off his head as he journeys forward.

The Hat Monkey

Work as a team to control the giant's feet, hands, roar, and brain. Then stomp on the little villagers (with Wii Balance board); crush villagers with your bare hands; freeze them with your bloodcurdling roar; and navigate to reach more villagers to squish.

Giant chasing a villager

A game inspired by Adam Saltsman's talk at Freeplay. It's based on how animals play in the real world. Play with the animals or pretend to be an animal in this Wii game for all the family.

A dog and a cat caught playing

Become a Sun God and drive your chariot through the clouds. Compete against Sun Gods from other cultures. Control the sun to blind your opponents and use your chosen Sun God's special power to attack others or defend yourself.

The Greek god on his sun chariot

A snowboarding game based on finding the steepest, deepest terrain and powder snow.

Snowboard tracks through trees

A virtual version of the classic game for young children, using diverse levels from parks to snow-capped mountains.

Girl counting to 100

Make cocktails, mocktails, punches and more by moving the Wiimote to create and add ingredients, then mix them together. Compete against friends or work together in a bar to serve more customers.

Cocktail glass and shaker

Fly like a bird using your arms and the Wii Balance board. Fulfill your flying dream by navigating through forests and cities.

Flying using the Wii Balance board

Start as a lion cub in a pride, learn to hunt with the other lions. Fight to protect your pride from intruders, or to take down a lion who is doing better than you. Work your way to the top to become the Alpha Lion.

Lion sitting down

Play circus games like the trapeze and acrobatics.

Circus Tent

Learn different dance styles. Upload your own dance moves and share with others.

Dance move 1 Evil Fairy

Learn about games, dance, music, food and building styles of different world cultures.


Play to stop fairytales happening, or play to be the star in the fairytale.

Good Fairy Evil Fairy